Insights: What is sustainable communication?

The Sustainable Hotel Insights – Edition 4

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Every two months we explore an important sustainability topic with our MAp community. With boutique and independent hoteliers, investors, consultants, students and other players in the hospitality industry in mind, we make our bi-monthly The Sustainable Hotel Insights as actionable and practical as possible. If you would like to receive these insights straight into your inbox and join the community, aka join us on the journey to a more purposeful and hospitable Planet, register here!

About: Sustainable Communication

Sustainable Communication is about HOW you communicate. It means you are communicating in a socially-responsible and ecological manner, with no negative impact to society, the economy and the Planet. This differs from Sustainability Communication, which is about WHAT you communicate. The objective of sustainable communication is to reduce the environmental and social footprint of communication activities and to make sure that all can profit from it. At the heart of it are important elements like transparency, authenticity and credibility, and by following these principles of Sustainable Communication, hotels thereby avoid the trap of greenwashing.

Sustainable Communication is about
HOW you communicate.

Facts: Did you know

Greenwashing continues to stain the hospitality industry, with hotels making claims that are bigger than reality, and consumers are understandably distrusting as a result. Let’s look at these findings by The Sustainable Agency (2023) that show the perils of greenwashing and the risks of getting your sustainability communication wrong:

  • 42% of online sustainability claims were found to be “exaggerated, false or deceptive” in a high-profile study by the European Union.
  • 88% of consumers don’t immediately trust a brand that claims to be sustainable, showing the importance of walking and talking sustainability.
  • 30% of millennials will unfollow accounts that believe to be posting inauthentic content.
  • 90% of millennials – one of the demographics most invested in sustainable living – say authenticity is a top influence when deciding to buy.
  • 40% of people wouldn’t recommend a product to their friends and family if they felt a brand was falling short on its environmental claims.
  • 17% of people would actively discourage their friends and family from buying a product if they felt environmental claims were overstated.
  • 55% of people are looking for companies to explain the sustainability credentials of their product compared to alternatives – simply labelling your product ‘sustainable’ is no longer enough.
  • Companies who mislead online (including greenwashing) could face a fine equal to 10% of annual turnover under proposed legislation in the UK. More laws are likely to follow on questionable environmental claims made online.

Action: Our MAdvice on Sustainable Communication

To practice Sustainable Communication, it’s important to ensure your communication reflect the following:

Promoting honesty, openness, and trust in your sustainability initiatives.

Promoting equality by supporting People of all backgrounds and avoiding discriminatory practices.

Prioritising understanding and respect of local cultures and traditions.

Fostering engagement and building understanding among audience members.

Taking responsibility for your actions and avoiding harmful communication practices.

Making your sustainability journey heartfelt and personal.

Continually improving your communication practices.

Explaining how new sustainable products and services impact your stakeholders.

Keeping communications positive and inspiring.

Ensuring that you never Profit from difficult situations People might be in.

Free Template

Write your hotel sustainability story in 3 simple steps (PDF)

This free template will guide you through each step in order to piece together your unique and authentic hotel sustainability story. It also includes an overview of the 10 Principles of Sustainable Communication.

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